Salt Water Fish Pet

Powder Blue Tang

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New Fish Tank Tips: If you enjoy reading, go to the library or buy tropical fish books. Get a couple of books on aquarium information or the species you are interested in getting. Reading a book is probably the fastest way to get up to speed and it provides a great reference for the future. On this site you can find some of the fish books we’ve reviewed.
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Powder Blue Tang

Quick StatisticsTemperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Safe: Yes
Family: Acanthuridae
Native To: Maldives, Sri Lanka
Diet: Herbivore
Adult Size: Up to 9″
Temperature: 72 – 78°F
Water Parameters: sg 1.020-1.026; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Size: 55+ gallons
Scientific Name: Acanthurus leucosternon
Environment: Marine

Beautiful tints of blue, yellow, and white
Aggressive towards other tangs and surgeonfish
Needs plenty of room to swim as well as hiding places

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