New Fish Tank Tips: Learn about the fish tank nitrogen cycle. This is a crucial process that you must understand if you want to have long term success with tropical fish.
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Tag: Sharks
Iridescent shark
New Fish Tank Tips: Give your fish plenty of places to hide. Ironically, it seems the more places they have to hide the less they do hide. Hiding places can be a place of refuge for your fish and it should lower stress levels for them.
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Red-tailed black shark
New Fish Tank Tips: Realize that if you do things correctly, this can be a long-term commitment. Some fish species can live for a very long time if cared for properly.
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Bala shark
Stocking Fish Tips: For new tanks, be sure the fish that you add to your tank are hardy. After the tank has aged for a few months, less hardy fish can be added. A tank needs to “mature” (complete the aquarium nitrogen cycle) before it can accomodate certain species of fish. Submitted by: Dahly
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