Salt Water Fish Pet

Banggai Cardinal

Fish Disease Tips: Turn off the protein skimmer in saltwater fish tanks while medicating because it can skim off certain medicines.
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Salt Water Fish Pet

Bursa Trigger

New Fish Tank Tips: Don’t follow the 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon of water rule. A better guide would probably be 1 inch of fish per 2 or 3 gallons of water. Use the future adult size of your fish when computing how many fish you can keep. Resist the temptation to overcrowd your tank. The more tropical fish you have the more often you will have to perform fish tank maintenance.
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Salt Water Fish Pet

Domino Damsel

Fish Disease Tips: Try to accurately diagnose the disease before using medication.
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Salt Water Fish Pet

Harlequin Tuskfish

New Fish Tank Tips: Get and use an aquarium water test kit to monitor the aquarium nitrogen cycle. The best way to monitor this cycle is to purchase a freshwater or saltwater test kit that will test for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and ph. Test the water coming out of your tap as well. This will arm you with more information when it comes time for those water changes.
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Salt Water Fish Pet

Maculosus Angelfish

Fish Disease Tips: Only medicate your main tank as a last resort. Use the quarantine tank setup for medicating sick fish and for monitoring new arrivals.
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Salt Water Fish Pet

Purple Firefish Goby

New Fish Tank Tips: Give your fish plenty of places to hide. Ironically, it seems the more places they have to hide the less they do hide. Hiding places can be a place of refuge for your fish and it should lower stress levels for them.
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Salt Water Fish Pet

Six-line Wrasse

Fish Tank Maintenance Tips: Avoid wide fluctuations in your water parameters such as temperature and pH. Try to refill your aquarium with water that is as close to the current tank water as possible.
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Salt Water Fish Pet

Yellow-tail Blue Damsel

Fish Disease Tips: Remove any carbon in your fish tank filters before using medications because the carbon will remove medication that you add to your water.
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Salt Water Fish Pet

Bi-color Dottyback

Aquarium Lighting Tips: Don’t leave the fish tank lights on all of the time. Try for a 8 to 12 hour period of time for lighting. Most want to have the lights on while they are home. You can get the 8 to 12 hours needed by using a timer. For instance, set it to make the lights come on at 10am and off at 10pm. This will let you view your tank when you get home from work.
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Salt Water Fish Pet

Captive Bred Reidi Seahorse

New Fish Tank Tips: De-chlorinate your tap water before putting it in your tank. There are many de-chlorinators on the market.
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