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Aquarium Lighting Tips: Don’t leave the fish tank lights on all of the time. Try for a 8 to 12 hour period of time for lighting. Most want to have the lights on while they are home. You can get the 8 to 12 hours needed by using a timer. For instance, set it to make the lights come on at 10am and off at 10pm. This will let you view your tank when you get home from work.
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Betta- Male
Quick StatisticsTemperament: Community
Family: Belontiidae
Native To: S.E. Asia: Cambodia, Thailand
Diet: Carnivore
Adult Size: Up to 3″
Temperature: 74° – 82°F
Care Level: Easy
Tank Size: 1+ liter
Scientific Name: Betta splendens
Environment: Freshwater
Comes in a wide variety of colors
Can breathe from the surface due to modified gills, known as the labyrinth organ
Male bettas should never be housed together for any reason
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