All Fresh Water Fish

Snakeskin gourami

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Stocking Fish Tips: Slowly acclimate fish to your current setup or preferrably a quarantine tank. When bringing home new fish, dump the bag contents (fish and water) into a clean (used only for fish) 5-gallon bucket and then add about 1 cup of aquarium water to the 5 gallon bucket every 10 minutes. Continue to add 1 cup of aquarium water to the 5-gallon bucket every 10 minutes. After an hour or so your fish should be ready to add to the aquarium.

Contents of this page belong to The snakeskin gourami or Siamese gourami is a species of gourami that is important both as a food fish and as an aquarium fish.

The snakeskin gourami is an elongated, moderately compressed fish with a small dorsal fin. Its anal fin is nearly the length of the body and the pelvic fins are long and thread-like. The back is olive in color and the flanks are greenish gray with a silver iridescence. An obvious, irregular black band extends from the snout, through the eye, and to the caudal peduncle.[1] The underparts are white. The rear part of the body may be marked with faint transverse stripes.[1] The fins are also gray-green, and the iris of the eye may be amber under favorable water conditions. The dorsal fins of male fish are pointed and the pelvic fins are orange to red. The males are also slimmer than the less colorful females. Juvenile snakeskin gouramies have strikingly strong zig-zag lines from the eye to the base of the tail.

Siamese gourami can grow up to 10 inches (25 cm) in length.[1] However, they do not usually reach more than 6 in 15 cm in captivity. [2]

They are common in the Mekong and Chao Phraya basin of Cambodia, Thailand, Southern Vietnam, and Laos.[1] They have also been introduced in the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, and New Caledonia.[3] In the Philippines, they are commonly found in Lake Bombon in Taal, from Lake Mainit in Mindanao, in Laguna de Bay and Lake Buluan.

Snakeskin gourami are found in rice paddies, shallow ponds, and swamps in Southeast Asia. They are found in shallow, sluggish, or standing water habitats with a lot of aquatic vegetation. It also occurs in flooded forests of the lower Mekong, and gradually moves back to rivers as floodwaters recede.[1]

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