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New Fish Tank Tips: Research aquarium equipment before you buy it. Use google (top right of this page) or any search engine, and type in the particular model you are interested in and read what others have to say about it.
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Labidochromis caeruleus, is a species of cichlid fish also known as lemon yellow lab, the blue streak hap, the electric yellow or yellow prince. It is endemic to the central western coastal region of Lake Malawi in East Africa. One naturally occurring colour variant from Nkhata Bay is one of the most popular cichlids amongst aquarium hobbyists.
Electric yellows inhabit water with a pH between 7.8 and 8.9 and an ideal temperature range of 23–26 °C (76–78 °F).
Electric yellows are peaceful compared to most other African cichlids. Despite this, like all cichlids from Lake Malawi, they are best kept in specialist cichlid aquariums. As with most cichlids, electric yellows should not be kept with freshwater community aquarium species such as Zebra Danios or Neon Tetras, they may nip the finnage of other species, and are not recommended for freshwater community aquariums because of the differences in the natural habitats between cichlids and other fish species. In an aquarium setting, their natural habitat of rocks and caves should be emulated. Their diet should consist mostly of prepared cichlid pellets or flakes, supplemented with foods like krill, brineshrimp, and Spirulina flakes.
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