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Stocking Fish Tips: Slowly add fish to your tank. Never go out and buy a bunch of tropical fish because your tank’s bio-load won’t be able to handle it. Slowly adding fish gives your tanks biological filtration a chance to catch up.
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The keyhole cichlid, Cleithracara maronii, is a cichlid fish endemic to tropical South America, occurring in the Orinoco River basin from Guyana to French Guiana.[1] The single species is the only species in the genus Cleithracara.[2] The species is popular with fishkeeping hobbyists and is frequently kept in aquariums.[2][3]
The species is a small tan coloured ovate-bodied fish. It has a black spot on its upper flank which sometimes extends into a short stripe. This gives rise to the common name, keyhole cichlid, from which the genus name Cleithracara (meaning “lock acara”) is derived.[4] When the species is startled or nervous it assumes a blotchy colouration and presses its body against rocks or logs in an attempt to camouflage itself.[1][3] It is generally shy, peaceful and should not be kept with aggressive species.
It is a monogamous, biparentally custodial breeder which spawns on flattened rocks, logs or leaves.[2] Clutch size ranges from 300-400 eggs that are tended by both the male and female.[1][3] The sexes are difficult to distinguish, though some males have a longer and more pointed dorsal fin.There has been a sighting of a keyhole cichlid laying 1000 eggs.
The species feeds on crustaceans, insects and other invertebrates.[1]
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