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New Fish Tank Tips: If you enjoy reading, go to the library or buy tropical fish books. Get a couple of books on aquarium information or the species you are interested in getting. Reading a book is probably the fastest way to get up to speed and it provides a great reference for the future. On this site you can find some of the fish books we’ve reviewed.
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Blue Lyretail (Fundulopanchax gardneri),[1] also known as Steel-blue Aphyosemion and Gardner’s Killi. It is a species of killifish that inhabits the tributary streams and marshes of the Benue and Cross River basins of Nigeria and Cameroon. It occurs in both savanna and forested regions. Like the Lyretail Panchax (Aphyosemion australe), it has become a popular species in aquariums. Breeding pairs of the Blue Lyretail most often lay their eggs over the bottom, but occasionally also among the roots of free-floating aquatic plants. Pairs stay close for some time, with just a few eggs being produced each day.
There are several valid subspecies:
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