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New Fish Tank Tips: Give your fish plenty of places to hide. Ironically, it seems the more places they have to hide the less they do hide. Hiding places can be a place of refuge for your fish and it should lower stress levels for them.
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Amphilophus citrinellus is a large cichlid fish endemic to Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua in Central America. In the aquarium trade A. labiatus is often sold under the trade name of red devil, a common name which they share with Amphilophus citrinellus. Colouration in wild specimens is variable and while most specimens are grey to greyish green some pink, red or white specimens do occur. Black pigmentation in spots or bands is also common. Some specimens have enlarged lips, though this condition is thought to be related to specific food choice preferences in their natural habitat as this trait disappears in captivity. Like most cichlids, A. labiatus has advanced brood care. The species forms monogamous pairs which spawn on flattened rocks or logs.
FishBase (2006) Eds. Froese, R. and D. Pauly. World Wide Web electronic publication. fishbase.org version (07/2006).
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