Fresh Water Fish Pet

Orange Sailfin Molly

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Fish Disease Tips: Set up and use a quarantine tank. This is a small inconvenience that can really save your butt.
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Orange Sailfin Molly

Quick StatisticsTemperament: Community
Family: Poeciliidae
Native To: Mexico: Yucatan
Diet: Omnivore
Adult Size: up to 6.5″
Temperature: 72° – 82°F
Care Level: Easy
Tank Size: 10+ gallons
Scientific Name: Poecilia latipinna
Environment: Freshwater/ Brackish

Mollies are a peaceful and popular aquarium favorite. The Sailfin Molly is so named due to its distinctive dorsal fin. The Orange Sailfin Molly is orange in color. Best kept with other peaceful fish in a well planted tank with plenty of open swimming area so the sailfin of the male can develop. They prefer a degree of salinity in their water. It is highly recommended that the tank has one teaspoon of aquarium salt per two gallons of water.

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